The world of pure imagination runs wild in the new Wonka movie. The film features Timothée Chalmet as a young Willy Wonka. This new whimsical portrayal follows the other two Willy Wonka movies, “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” (1971) with Gene Wilder, and “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” (2005) with Johnny Depp. This cinematic musical shows how Willy Wonka came to be the fairy-tale chocolate maker.
I didn’t really expect much from this movie, due to the fact that it’s the second of two remakes. Another reason is because my heart sits with the 1971 version with Gene Wilder, because that is what I grew up with. I knew Timothée Chalmet could do a good Wonka because of his bubbly and bright personality, but I couldn’t really see him as Willy Wonka during the movie. I think it’s for the fact that he generally acts in more non-fiction based movies.
The cinematography of the movie by itself was very well done. It was very lighthearted and I truly do think kids of a young age will enjoy this movie. The rather realistic CGI makes it feel like you’re truly jumping into scenes themselves. The plot was very charming, incorporating other characters and their backgrounds on their path of growth, but also helping Wonka get his chocolate out to the world.
Another main character, “Noodle” played by Calah Lane, was genuinely a ray of sunshine enlightening the whole story and making Wonka feel like he was still a child. Her background being relatable almost to Wonkas made them connect even more. Her acting was refreshing to see her make her character mature on Wonka’s level to understand him. A character I enjoyed seeing was the oompa loompa portrayed by Hugh Grant. His acting was very funny and entertaining to watch.
Overall, the cinematography and acting of the movie was funny. I was surprised to see how it turned out, and I am still unsure about the casting of Wonka, but the friendships and the cheerfulness of it all did it for me.