Moon Over Buffalo
November 11, 2022
Cy-Fair High School theater is performing Moon Over Buffalo production in the Cy-Fair auditorium on November 10th and 11th at 7 p.m. and November 12th with an understudy show at 2 p.m. and the main cast show at 7 p.m.
Since the beginning of the school year, the theater department has been working on a fast-paced, funny, fresh rendition of the 1995 broadway play Moon Over Buffalo.
“Moon over buffalo is a play within a play. Two stars that used to be famous are now touring with theater and have found themselves at a less than stellar production house in buffalo New York where their attempt to put on a production goes very, very wrong with lots of mistaken identities and fast-paced door-slamming, its big fun and fast comedy.” Said Director Mr. Wallach.
Although Moon Over Buffalo is an eccentric play, it’s still bound to keep people interested with its entertaining comedy and compelling storyline.
“It’s just a very funny and entertaining play,” Senior Joey De Los Santos said. “I think people like comedy a lot more than dramatism and this show will make you laugh. Even as actors, we read this script and we found so many good jokes.” Joey said.
Unlike the Judy Moody production, the theater department has chosen to do a fourth show specifically for the understudies of Moon Over Buffalo.
“We do understudy shows here because last year for the UIL one-act play there was a competition instance where about 5 understudies went on to perform due to students being sick with Covid,” Mr. Wallach said. “Then recently this semester the flu came through and knocked out 8 students from our children’s show production of Judy moody. I even came and played the character of the pirate for the play so it was literally all hands on deck.”
Having an understudy show can be very beneficial for the cast, crew, and director but it can cause concern among students.
“It’s interesting because sometimes people will say that having understudies or two casts can be problematic as the students may find themselves comparing their performance to other students however; we find that its a practice that’s used in the professional world and helps us a lot here because students tend to get sick or things happen.” Wallach said.
The cast and crew worked very hard to create an amazing and unique set for this production.
“I’ve been in the Cy-Fair theater for four years and I’ve never seen a set this good,” Joey said. “I think that this is possibly the best set that we’ve had in Cy-Fair for years now. ”
Moon Over Buffalo is not only going to wow people with the creative and interesting set, but also with the fun and passionate acting skills of the cast.
“I think that it will give people a good laugh and a new perspective on what theater is,” said Joey.